


・石黒 信久 (北大病院感染制御部 診療教授、昭和59年卒)


外来患者数  60人(HBV, HCVキャリアーのフォローが中心)






1. Ishiguro, N., and Y. Takahashi. 1989. Kawasaki disease associated with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Eur J Pediatr 148:379.
2. Ishiguro, N., S. Yamada, T. Takahashi, Y. Takahashi, T. Togashi, T. Okuno, and K. Yamanishi. 1990. Meningo-encephalitis associated with HHV-6 related exanthem subitum. Acta Paediatr Scand 79:987-9.
3. Ishiguro, N., M. Abe, K. Seto, H. Sakurai, H. Ikeda, A. Wakisaka, T. Togashi, M. Tateno, and T. Yoshiki. 1992. A rat model of human T lymphocyte virus type I (HTLV-I) infection. 1. Humoral antibody response, provirus integration, and HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis-like myelopathy in seronegative HTLV-I carrier rats. J Exp Med 176:981-9.
4. Sakurai, H., N. Kondo, N. Ishiguro, C. Mikuni, H. Ikeda, A. Wakisaka, and T. Yoshiki. 1992. Molecular analysis of a HTLV-IpX defective human adult T-cell leukemia. Leuk Res 16:941-6.
5. Goto, K., M. Sugita, K. Okada, H. Hatano, N. Ishiguro, T. Yoshiki, and S. Ohno. 1993. Recurrent episcleritis associated with adult T cell leukaemia. Br J Ophthalmol 77:743-4.
6. Matsuzono, Y., M. Narita, N. Ishiguro, and T. Togashi. 1994. Detection of measles virus from clinical samples using the polymerase chain reaction. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 148:289-93.
7. Seto, K., M. Abe, O. Ohya, O. Itakura, N. Ishiguro, H. Ikeda, A. Wakisaka, and T. Yoshiki. 1995. A rat model of HTLV-I infection: development of chronic progressive myeloneuropathy in seropositive WKAH rats and related apoptosis. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 89:483-90.
8. Suzuki, T., K. Takabayashi, K. Ichikawa, I. Itou, N. Ishiguro, T. Yoshiki, and T. Koike. 1996. Effects of monoclonal anticardiolipin antibody on pregnant mice. J Rheumatol 23:83-6.
9. Ishiguro, N., G. D. Brown, and D. Meruelo. 1997. Activation transcription factor 1 involvement in the regulation of murine H-2Dd expression. J Biol Chem 272:15993-6001.
10. Narita, M., O. Itakura, N. Ishiguro, and T. Togashi. 1997. Hypomagnesaemia-associated tetany due to intravenous administration of amphotericin B. Eur J Pediatr 156:421-2.
11. Ishiguro, N., G. D. Brown, A. Ishizu, and D. Meruelo. 1998. The regulation of murine H-2Dd expression by activation transcription factor 1 and cAMP response element binding protein. J Immunol 160:5907-14.
12. Ishizu, A., K. Sawai, H. Ikeda, T. Hirano, N. Ishiguro, and D. Meruelo. 2000. Transduction of a murine dominant negative activation transcription factor 1 increases cell surface expression of the class I MHC on a human epidermoid tumor cell line. Int Immunol 12:161-8.
13. Ma, X., A. Okamura, M. Yosioka, N. Ishiguro, H. Kikuta, and K. Kobayashi. 2001. No mutations of SAP/SH2D1A/DSHP and perforin genes in patients with Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome in Japan. J Med Virol 65:358-61.
14. Yoshioka, M., N. Ishiguro, H. Ishiko, X. Ma, H. Kikuta, and K. Kobayashi. 2001. Heterogeneous, restricted patterns of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent gene expression in patients with chronic active EBV infection. J Gen Virol 82:2385-92.
15. Ma, X., H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro, M. Yoshioka, T. Ebihara, T. Murai, I. Kobayashi, and K. Kobayashi. 2002. Association of the prtF1 gene (encoding fibronectin-binding protein F1) and the sic gene (encoding the streptococcal inhibitor of complement) with emm types of group A streptococci isolated from Japanese children with pharyngitis. J Clin Microbiol 40:3835-7.
16. Yoshioka, M., N. Ishiguro, X. Ma, H. Kikuta, J. Kodaira, T. Itoh, and K. Kobayashi. 2002. Protein-losing cytomegalovirus gastritis in a patient with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Digestion 65:234-7.
17. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro, M. Yoshioka, X. Ma, and K. Kobayashi. 2003. Seroprevalence of human metapneumovirus in Japan. J Med Virol 70:281-3.
18. Yoshioka, M., H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro, R. Endo, and K. Kobayashi. 2003. Latency pattern of Epstein-Barr virus and methylation status in Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome. J Med Virol 70:410-9.
19. Yoshioka, M., H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro, X. Ma, and K. Kobayashi. 2003. Unique Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent gene expression, EBNA promoter usage and EBNA promoter methylation status in chronic active EBV infection. J Gen Virol 84:1133-40.
20. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro, H. Ishiko, M. Hara, Y. Takahashi, and K. Kobayashi. 2004. Human metapneumovirus infection in Japanese children. J Clin Microbiol 42:126-32.
21. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro, H. Ishiko, and K. Kobayashi. 2004. Comparison of the seroprevalence of human metapneumovirus and human respiratory syncytial virus. J Med Virol 72:304-6.
22. Endo, R., H. Kikuta, T. Ebihara, N. Ishiguro, and K. Kobayashi. 2004. Possible involvement in oncogenesis of a single base mutation in an internal ribosome entry site of Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1 mRNA. J Med Virol 72:630-4.
23. Ishiguro, N., A. Takada, M. Yoshioka, X. Ma, H. Kikuta, H. Kida, and K. Kobayashi. 2004. Induction of interferon-inducible protein-10 and monokine induced by interferon-gamma from human endothelial cells infected with Influenza A virus. Arch Virol 149:17-34.
24. Endo, R., M. Yoshioka, T. Ebihara, N. Ishiguro, H. Kikuta, and K. Kobayashi. 2004. Clonal expansion of multiphenotypic Epstein-Barr virus-infected lymphocytes in chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection. Med Hypotheses 63:582-7.
25. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, N. Ishiguro, T. Nakayama, H. Sawada, and H. Kikuta. 2004. Early reinfection with human metapneumovirus in an infant. J Clin Microbiol 42:5944-6.
26. Ishiguro, N., T. Ebihara, R. Endo, X. Ma, H. Kikuta, H. Ishiko, and K. Kobayashi. 2004. High genetic diversity of the attachment (G) protein of human metapneumovirus. J Clin Microbiol 42:3406-14.
27. Ma, X., R. Endo, T. Ebihara, N. Ishiguro, H. Ishiko, and H. Kikuta. 2005. Production and characterization of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against human metapneumovirus F protein. Hybridoma (Larchmt) 24:201-5.
28. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, X. Ma, N. Ishiguro, and H. Kikuta. 2005. Lack of association between New Haven coronavirus and Kawasaki disease. J Infect Dis 192:351-2; author reply 353.
29. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro, X. Ma, M. Shimazu, T. Otoguro, and K. Kobayashi. 2005. Differential gene expression of S100 protein family in leukocytes from patients with Kawasaki disease. Eur J Pediatr 164:427-31.
30. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, X. Ma, N. Ishiguro, and H. Kikuta. 2005. Detection of human metapneumovirus antigens in nasopharyngeal secretions by an immunofluorescent-antibody test. J Clin Microbiol 43:1138-41.
31. Ebihara, T., R. Endo, X. Ma, N. Ishiguro, and H. Kikuta. 2005. Detection of human coronavirus NL63 in young children with bronchiolitis. J Med Virol 75:463-5.
32. Ishiguro, N., T. Ebihara, R. Endo, X. Ma, R. Shirotsuki, S. Ochiai, H. Ishiko, and H. Kikuta. 2005. Immunofluorescence assay for detection of human metapneumovirus-specific antibodies by use of baculovirus-expressed fusion protein. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 12:202-5.
33. Ishiguro, N., T. Ebihara, R. Endo, X. Ma, E. Kawai, H. Ishiko, and H. Kikuta. 2006. Detection of antibodies against human metapneumovirus by Western blot using recombinant nucleocapsid and matrix proteins. J Med Virol 78:1091-5.
34. Ma, X., R. Endo, N. Ishiguro, T. Ebihara, H. Ishiko, T. Ariga, and H. Kikuta. 2006. Detection of human bocavirus in Japanese children with lower respiratory tract infections. J Clin Microbiol 44:1132-4.
35. Endo, R., N. Ishiguro, H. Kikuta, S. Teramoto, R. Shirkoohi, X. Ma, T. Ebihara, H. Ishiko, and T. Ariga, 2007. Seroepidemiology of human bocavirus in Hokkaido prefecture, Japan. J Clin Microbiol 45:3218-23.
36. Kikuta, H., T. Ebihara, R. Endo, N. Ishiguro, C. Sakata, S. Ochiai, H. Ishiko, R. Gamo, and T. Sato, 2007. Development of a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for detection of human metapneumovirus using monoclonal antibodies against nucleoprotein of hMPV. Hybridoma (Larchmt) 26:17-21.
37. Kikuta, H., C. Sakata, R. Gamo, A. Ishizaka, Y. Koga, M. Konno, Y. Ogasawara, H. Sawada, Y. Taguchi, Y. Takahashi, K. Yasuda, N. Ishiguro, A. Hayashi, H. Ishiko, and K. Kobayashi, 2008. Comparison of a lateral-flow immunochromatography assay with real-time reverse transcription-PCR for detection of human metapneumovirus. J Clin Microbiol 46:928-32.
38. Shirogane, Y., M. Takeda, M. Iwasaki, N. Ishiguro, H. Takeuchi, Y. Nakatsu, M. Tahara, H. Kikuta and Y. Yanagi (2008). "Efficient multiplication of human metapneumovirus in Vero cells expressing the transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2." J Virol 82(17): 8942-6.
39. Endo, R., T. Ebihara, N. Ishiguro, S. Teramoto, T. Ariga, C. Sakata, A. Hayashi, H. Ishiko and H. Kikuta (2008). "Detection of four genetic subgroup-specific antibodies to human metapneumovirus attachment (G) protein in human serum." J Gen Virol 89(Pt 8): 1970-7.
40. L. B. Beder, M. Hotomi, M. Ogami, K. Yamauchi, J. Shimada, D. S. Billal, N. Ishiguro and N. Yamanaka (2009). "Clinical and microbiological impact of human bocavirus on children with acute otitis media." Eur J Pediatr 168(11): 1365-72.
41. Oikawa, J., J. Ogita, N. Ishiwada, T. Okada, R. Endo, N. Ishiguro, K. Ubukata and Y. Kohno (2009). "Human bocavirus DNA detected in a boy with plastic bronchitis." Pediatr Infect Dis J 28(11): 1035-6.
42. Shirkoohi, R., R. Endo, N. Ishiguro, S. Teramoto, H. Kikuta and T. Ariga (2010). "Antibodies against structural and nonstructural proteins of human bocavirus in human sera." Clin Vaccine Immunol 17(1): 190-3.
43. Teramoto, S, M. Kaiho, Y. Takano, R. Endo, H. Kikuta, H. Sawa, T. Ariga, N. Ishiguro (2011). "Detection of KI polyomavirus and WU polyomavirus DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction in nasopharyngeal swabs and in normal lung and lung adenocarcinoma tissues." Microbiol Immunol 55(7): 525-530.
44. Teramoto, S., N. Koseki, M. Yoshioka, Y. Matsunami, N. Yanazume, M. Nawate, T. Shikano, Y. Takahashi, H. Kikuta, N. Ishiguro. (2011) "WU Polyomavirus Infection Confirmed by Genetic and Serologic Tests in an Infant With Bronchitis." Pediatr Infect Dis J 30(10): 918.
45. Koseki, N., S. Teramoto, M. Kaiho, R. Gomi-Endo, M. Yoshioka, Y. Takahashi, T. Nakayama, H. Sawada, M. Konno, H. Ushijima, H. Kikuta, T. Ariga, N. Ishiguro. (2012) “Detection of human bocavirus 1-4 from nasopharyngeal swab samples collected from patients with respiratory tract infections.” J. Clin. Microbiol. 50(6): 2118-21.
46. Koseki N, M. Kaiho, H. Kikuta, K. Oba, T. Togashi, T. Ariga, N. Ishiguro. (2014) “Comparison of the clinical effectiveness of zanamivir and laninamivir octanoate for children with influenza A(H3N2) and B in the 2011-2012 season.” Influenza and other respiratory viruses 8(2): 151-8.
47. Nagaoki Y, T. Ishida, H. Tsuda, N. Ishiguro. (2014) “Detection of Human Bocavirus 2 DNA from a Girl with Plastic Bronchitis.” Journal of US-China Medical Science 11(1): 47-8
48. Ishiguro N., N. Koseki, M. Kaiho, H. Kikuta, T. Togashi, T. Watanabe, T. Ariga and Hokkaido Pediatric Respiratory Infection Study Group. (2015) “Sensitivity and Specificity of a Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for Detection of Mycoplasma pneumonia from Nasopharyngeal Swab Samples Compared with those of Real-time PCR.” Clinical Laboratory 61(5-6): 603-6.
49. Ishiguro N, Koseki N, Kaiho M, Kikuta H, Togashi T, Oba K, Morita K, Nagano N, Nakanishi M, Hazama K, Watanabe T, Sasaki S, Horino A, Kenri T, Ariga T; Hokkaido Pediatric Respiratory Infection Study Group. (2016) “Regional Differences in Rates of Macrolide-Resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Hokkaido, Japan.” Jpn J Infect Dis. 69(3):186-90
50. Ishiguro N, Oyamada R, Nasuhara Y, Yamada T, Miyamoto T, Imai S, Akizawa K, Fukumoto T, Iwasaki S, Iijima H, Ono K. 2016. Three-day regimen of oseltamivir for postexposure prophylaxis of influenza in wards. J Hosp Infect doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2016.05.012.
51. Ishiguro N, Koseki N, Kaiho M, Ariga T, Kikuta H, Togashi T, Oba K, Morita K, Nagano N, Nakanishi M, Hara K, Hazama K, Watanabe T, Yamanaka T, Sasaki S, Furuyama H, Shibata M, Shida S, Ishizaka A, Tabata Y, Aoyagi H, Naito H, Yoshioka M, Horino A, Kenri T; Hokkaido Pediatric Respiratory Infection Study Group. 2017. Therapeutic efficacy of azithromycin, clarithromycin, minocycline and tosufloxacin against macrolide-resistant and macrolide-sensitive Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in pediatric patients. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 13;12(3):e0173635. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173635. eCollection 2017.
52. Kokabu T, Takahata M, Ishiguro N, et al. Long-term prognosis of hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis: Mortality, quality of life, and pain. J Orthop Sci 2017;22(5):822-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jos.2017.05.017 [published Online First: 2017/06/26]
53. Ishiguro N, Koseki N, Kaiho M, et al. Clinical effectiveness of four neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, laninamivir, and peramivir) for children with influenza A and B in the 2014-2015 to 2016-2017 influenza seasons in Japan. J Infect Chemother. 2018 Jun;24(6):449-457. doi: 10.1016/j.jiac.2018.01.013. Epub 2018 Feb 24.

1. 石黒 信久:「感染制御 up-to-date」、札幌市小児科医会研究会、札幌市医師会館 5階大ホール、2019/8/3

2. 石黒 信久:「手術部職員の感染対策~患者と自分を守ろう~」、第2回日本手術学会教育セミナー、北海道大学医学部 フラテホール、2019/10/5

3. 石黒 信久他:「インフルエンザ(予防・治療)、ノロウイルスの感染対策について」、小樽市医師会小児科部会学術講演会、オーセントホテル小樽、2020/1/29

日本環境感染学会 理事(石黒信久)
日本小児感染症学会 評議員(石黒信久)
国公立大学附属病院感染対策協議会 臨床研究・データ集積WG委員(石黒信久)

札幌感染管理研究会 代表幹事(石黒信久)
Sapporo Infection Control Conference 代表世話人(石黒信久)