有賀 正

役 職:名誉教授
1978年(昭和53年)03月 北海道大学医学部卒業
1978年(昭和53年)05月 北海道大学医学部小児科学講座で研修
1979年(昭和54年)03月 札幌市近郊総合病院小児科(天使、市立小樽、幌南)で各1年間勤務
1982年(昭和57年)04月 北海道大学医学部付属病院小児科勤務(非常勤医員)
1987年(昭和62年)09月 米国ハーバード大学ボストン小児病院勤務(研究員)
1989年(平成01年)11月 北海道社会保険中央病院小児科勤務
1990年(平成02年)12月 北海道大学医学部付属病院小児科勤務(非常勤医員)
1993年(平成05年)04月 札幌市豊平保健所勤務/北海道大学医学部小児科研究生
1998年(平成10年)04月 手稲渓仁会病院小児科勤務
1999年(平成11年)04月 北海道大学医学部遺伝子治療講座(寄附講座) 客員助教授
2004年(平成16年)04月 北海道大学大学院医学研究科小児科学分野 教授
2018年(平成30年)04月 北海道大学大学院医学研究科小児科学分野 名誉教授
社会医療法人 母恋 理事長
1978年(昭和53年)05月 北海道大学医学部小児科学講座で研修
1979年(昭和54年)03月 札幌市近郊総合病院小児科(天使、市立小樽、幌南)で各1年間勤務
1982年(昭和57年)04月 北海道大学医学部付属病院小児科勤務(非常勤医員)
1987年(昭和62年)09月 米国ハーバード大学ボストン小児病院勤務(研究員)
1989年(平成01年)11月 北海道社会保険中央病院小児科勤務
1990年(平成02年)12月 北海道大学医学部付属病院小児科勤務(非常勤医員)
1993年(平成05年)04月 札幌市豊平保健所勤務/北海道大学医学部小児科研究生
1998年(平成10年)04月 手稲渓仁会病院小児科勤務
1999年(平成11年)04月 北海道大学医学部遺伝子治療講座(寄附講座) 客員助教授
2004年(平成16年)04月 北海道大学大学院医学研究科小児科学分野 教授
2018年(平成30年)04月 北海道大学大学院医学研究科小児科学分野 名誉教授
社会医療法人 母恋 理事長
1. Fujioka H, Ariga T, Horiuchi K, Ishikiriyama S, Oyama K, Otus M, Kawashima K, Yamamoto Y, Sugihara T, Sakiyama Y Detection of a novel silent deletion, a missense mutation and a nonsense mutation in the TCOF1 gene. Pediatr Int 50, 806-809, 2008.
2. Sato D, Kawara H, Shimokawa O, Harada N, Tonoki H, Takahashi N, Imai Y, Kimura H, Matsumoto N, Ariga T, Niikawa N,Yoshiura K. A girl with Down syndrome and partial trisomy for 21pter-q22.13: A clue to narrow the Down syndrome critical region. Am J Med Genet A. 146:124-7, 2008
3. Minegishi Y, Saito M, Tsuchiya S, Tsuge I, Takada H, Hara T, Kawamura N, Ariga T, Pasic S, Stojkovic O, Metin A, Karasuyama H. Dominant-negative mutations in the DNA-binding domain of STAT3 cause hyper-IgE syndrome. Nature. 448:1058-62, 2007.
4. Endo R, Ebihara T, Ishiguro N, Teramoto S, Ariga T, Sakata C, Hayashi A, Ishiko H, Kikuta H. Detection of four genetic subgroup-specific antibodies to human metapneumovirus attachment (G) protein in human serum. Journal of General Virology 89, 1970-1977. 2008.
5. Suzuki Y, Kobayashi R, Iguchi A, Sato T, Kaneda M, Kobayashi K, Ariga T. The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone associated with SCT: clinical differences following SCT using cord blood and BM/peripheral blood. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 42, 743-748, 2008
6. Kida M, Fujioka H, Kosaka Y, Hayashi K, Sakiyama Y, Ariga T. The first confirmed case with C3 deficiency caused by compound heterozygous mutations in the C3 gene; a new aspect of pathogenesis for C3 deficiency. Blood Cell Mol. Dis. 40. 410-413, 2008
7. Kobayashi R, Kaneda M, Sato T, Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Ariga T. The clinical feature of invasive fungal infection in pediatric patients with hematologic and malignant diseases: a 10-year analysis at a single institution at Japan. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 30, 886-90, 2008.
8. Nakajima M, Yamada M, Yamaguchi K, Sakiyama Y, Oda A, Nelson DL, Yawaka Y, Ariga T. Possible application of flow cytometry for evaluation of the structure and functional status of WASP in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Eur J Haematol 87, 223-230, 2009
9. Morinishi Y, Imai K, Nakagawa N, Sato H, Horiuchi K, Ohtsuka Y, Kaneda Y, Taga T, Hisakawa H, Miyaji R, Endo M, Oh-ishi T, Kamachi Y, Akahane K, Kobayashi C, Tsuchida M, Morio T, Sasahara Y, Kumaki S, Ishigaki K, Yoshida M, Urabe T, Kobayashi N, Okimoto Y, Reichenbach J, Hashii Y, Tsuji Y, Kogawa K, Yamaguchi Seiji, Kanegane H, Miyawaki T, Yamada M, Ariga T, Nonoyama S. Identification of severe combined immunodeficiency by T-cell receptor excision circles quantification using neonatal Guthrie cards. J Pedatr, 155, 829-833, 2009.
10. Minegishi Y, Saito M, Nagasawa M, Takada H, Hara T, Tsuchiya S, Agematsu K, Yamada N, Kawamura N, Ariga T, Tsuge I, Karasuyama H. Molecular explanation for the contradiction between systemic Th17 defect and localized bacterial infection in hyper-IgE syndrome. J Exp Med 206, 1291-1301, 2009
11. Oshima J, Haruta M, Arai Y, Ksai F, Fujiwara Y, Ariga T, Okita H, Fukuzawa M, Hta J-I, Horie H, Kaneko Y. Two candidate tumor suppressor genes, MEOX2 and SOSTDCI, indentified in a 7p21 homozygous deletion region in a Wilms tumor. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 48, 1037-1050, 2009
12. Toita N, Kawamura N, Hatano N, Takezaki S, Ohkura Y, Yamada M, Okano M, Okada T, Sasaki F, Kubota KC, Itoh T, Ariga T. A five-year old boy with unicentric Castleman’s disease affecting the mesentery: Utility of serum IL-6 level and 18F-FDG PET for diagnosis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol i31, 693-695, 2009.
13. Kida M, Tsutsumi T, Shindoh M, Ikeda H, Ariga T. De novo mutation in the DSPP gene associated with Dentinogenesis Imperfecta type II in a Japanese Family. Eur J Oral Sci, 117, 691-694, 2009.
14. Shirkoohi R, Endo R, Ishiguro N, Teramoto S, Kikuta H, Ariga T. Antibodies against structural and nonstructural proteins of human bocavirus in human sera. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 17 :190-193, 2010.
15. Roos D, Kuhns DB, Maddalena A, Roesler J, Lopez JA, Ariga T, Avcin T, de Boer M, Bustamante J, Condino-Neto A, Di Matteo G, He J, Hill RH, Holland SM, Kannengiesser C, Köker MY, Kondratenko I, van Leeuwen K, Malech HL, Marodi L, Nunoi H, Stasia M-J, Witwer CT, Wolach B and Gallin J. Hematologically important mutations: X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (third update) Blood Cell Mol Dis, 45: 246-265, 2010
16. Maekawa K, Yamada M, Okura, Sato Y, Nobuaki Kawamura N, Ariga T. X-linked agammaglobulinemia in a 10-year-old boy with a novel non-invariant splice-site mutation in Btk gene. Blood Cell Mol. Dis.44, 300-304, 2010.
17. Yamada M, Arai T, Oishi T, Hatano N, Kobayashi I, Kubota M, Suzuki N, Yoda M, Kawamura N, Ariga T. Determination of the deletion breakpoints in two patients with contiguous gene syndrome encompassing CYBB gene. Eur J Med Genet, 53 383-388, 2010
18. Lee S-K, Lee K-E, Kang H-Y, Hwang Y-H, Kida M, Tsutsumi T, Ariga T, Park J-C, Kim J-W. A Mutation in the DSPP Gene Affects Enamel Formation. Oral Dis. 17, 314-319, 2011
19. Kobayashi I, Okura Y, Yamazaki Y, Takezaki S, Yamada M, Kawamura N, Kuwana M, Ariga T. Anti-CADM-140/MDA5 antibody in juvenile dermatomyositis complicated with interstitial lung disease. J Pediatr. 158:675-7, 2011
20. Iguchi A, Kawamura N, Kobayashi R, Takezaki S, Ohkura Y, Inamoto J, Ohshima J, Ichikawa M, Sato T, Kaneda M, Cho Y, Yamada M, Kobayashi I, Ariga T. Successful reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation from unrelated cord blood in three patients with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency. Bone Marrow Transplant. 46: 1526-31, 2011
21. Nakagawa N, Imai K, Kanegane H, Sato H, Yamada M, Kondoh K, Okada S, Kobayashi M, Agematsu K, Takada H, Mitsuiki N, Oshima K, Ohara O, Suri D, Rawat A, Singh S, Pan-Hammarström Q, Hammarström L, Reichenbach J, Seger R, Ariga T, Hara T, Miyawaki T, Nonoyama S. Quantification of kappa-deleting recombination excision 1 circles in Guthrie cards for the identification of early B-cell maturation defects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 128:223-225, 2011
22. Saito M , Nagasawa M, Takada H, Hara T, Tsuchiya S, Agematsu K , Yamada M, Kawamura N, Ariga T, Tsuge I, Nonoyama S, Karasuyama H, Minegishi Y. Defective IL-10 signaling in hyper-IgE syndrome results in impaired generation of tolerogenic dendritic cells and induced regulatory T cells. J Exp Med. 208: 235-249, 2011
23. Ichikawa M, Kobayashi R, Nakajima M, Inamoto J, Suzuki D, Cho Y, Kaneda M, Yoshida M, Ariga T. Higher urinary excretion of inorganic phosphate during early induction of chemotherapy predicts a good prognosis in childhood acute leukemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 33:e143-8, 2011
24. Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Ohshima J, Cho Y, Kaneda M, Iguchi A, Ariga T. Piperacilln/Tazobactam versus Cefozopran for the empirical treatment of peiatric cancer patients with febrile neutoropenia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 57:1159-62 2011
25. Sato T, Okumura F, Kano S, Kondo T, Ariga T, Hatakeyama S. TRIM32 promotes neural differentiation via retinoic acid receptor-mediated transcription. J. Cell Sci., 124: 3492-502, 2011.
26. Maeyama Y, Otsu M, Kubo S, Yamano T, Iimura Y, Onodera M, Kondo S, Sakiyama Y, Ariga T. Intracellular estrogen receptor-binding fragment-associated antigen 9 (EBAG9) exerts in vivo tumor-promotive effects via its coiled-coil region. Int. J. Oncology, 39: 41-49, 2011.
27. Teramoto S, Kaiho M, Takano Y, Endo R, Kikuta H, Sawa H, Ariga T, Ishiguro N. Detection of KI polyomavirus and WU polyomavirus DNA by real-time PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs and in normal lung and lung adenocarcinoma tissues. Microbiol Immunol. 55, 525-530, 2011.
28. Morio T, Atsuta Y, Tomizawa D, Nagamura-Inoue T, Kato K, Ariga T, Kawa K, Koike K, Tauchi H, Kajiwara M, Hara T, Kato S; Japanese Cord Blood Bank Network. Outcome of unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation in 88 patients with primary immunodeficiency in Japan. Br J Haematol 154, 363-372, 2011.
29. Kobayashi I, Kubota M, Yamada M, Tanaka H, Itoh S, Sasahara Y, Whitesell L, Ariga T; Autoantibodies to villin occur frequently in IPEX, a severe immune dysregulation, syndrome caused by mutation of FOXP3. Clin Immunol 141, 83-89, 2011.
30. Ishimura M, Takada H, Doi T, Imai K, Sasahara Y, Kanegane H, Nishikomori R, Morio T, Heike T, Kobayashi M, Ariga T, Tsuchiya S, Nonoyama S, Miyawaki T, Hara T. Nationwide Survey of Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Japan. J Clin Immunol, 31:968-76, 2011
31. Kohsaka S, Sakai T, Kohsaka M, Fukuda N, Ariga T. Activation of the brainstem precedes and outlasts the K-complex in humans. Neuroscience. 202:243-251, 2011.
32. Okura Y, Yamada M, Takezaki S, Nawate M, Takahashi Y, Kida M, Kawamura N, and Ariga T. Novel compound heterozygous mutations in the C3 gene: hereditary C3 deficiency. Pediatr Int, 53, e16-e19, 2011.
33. Okura Y, Yamada M, Kobayashi I, Santisteban I, Arredondo-Santisteban G, Kato Z, Iguchi A, Yoshida M, Ohara O, Nakagawa N, Imai K, Hershfield MS, Ariga T. ADA-SCID with “WAZA-ARI” mutations that synergistically abolished ADA protein stability. British J Haematol, 153, 675-678 2011.
34. Arai T, Zhao M, Kanegane H, van Zelm MC, Futatani T, Yamada M, Ariga T, Ochs HD, Miyawaki T, Oh-ishi T. Genetic analysis of contiguous X-chromosome deletion syndrome encompassing the BTK and TIMM8A genes. Journal of Human Genetics 56, 577-582, 2011
35. Takeda A, Sudo A, Yamada M, Yamazawa H, Izumi G, Nishino I, Ariga T. Barth syndrome diagnosed in the subclinical stage of heart failure based on the presence of lipid storage myopathy and isolated non-compaction of left ventricular myocardium. Eur J Paediatr, 170: 1481-1484, 2011
36. Sato T, Okumura F, Ariga T, Hatakeyama S. TRIM6 interacts with c-Myc and maintains pluripotency of mouse embryonal stem cells. J. Cell Sci. 125:1544-1555 2012.
37. Yamada M, Okura Y, Suzuki Y, Fukumura S, Miyazaki T, Ikeda H, Takezaki S, Kawamura N, Ariga T. Somatic mosaicism in two unrelated patients with X-linked chronic granulomatous disease characterized by the presence of a small population of normal cells. Gene 497, 110-115, 2012.
38. Sato T, Okumura F, Iguchi A, Ariga T, Hatakeyama S. TRIM32 promotes retinoic acid receptor α-mediated differentiation in human promyelogenous leukemic cell line HL60. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 417: 594-600, 2012.
39. Koseki N, Teramoto S, Kaiho M, Endo (Gomi) R, Yoshioka M, Takahashi Y, Nakayama T, Sawada H, Konno M, Ushijima H, Kikuta H, Ariga T, Ishiguro N. Detection of human bocavirus 1 to 4 from nasopharyngeal swab samples collected from patients with respiratory tract infections. J Clin Microbiol. 50: 2118-2121. 2012.
40. Ohshima J, Haruta M, Fujiwara Y, Watanabe N, Arai Y, Ariga T, Okita H, Koshinaga T, Oue T, Hinotsu S, Nakadate H, Horie H, Fukuzawa M, Kaneko Y. Methylation of the RASSF1A promoter is predictive of poor outcome among patients with Wilms tumor. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 59: 499-505, 2012.
41. Takezaki S, Yamada M, Kato M, Park M-j, Maruyama K, Yamazaki Y, Chida N, Ohara O, Kobayashi I, Ariga T. Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis Caused by a Gain-of-Function Mutation in the STAT1 DNA-Binding Domain. Journal of Immunol 189: 1521-1526, 2012
42. Shibata M, Sato T, Nukiwa R, Ariga T, Hatakeyama S. TRIM45 negatively regulates NF-κB-mediated transcription and suppresses cell proliferation. BBRC 423:104-9, 2012.
43. Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Inamoto J, Ohshima J, Cho Y, Saitoh S, Kaneda M, Iguchi A, Ariga T. Successful alternative treatment containing vindesine for acute lymphoblastic leukemia with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 34:239-41, 2012.
44. Okura Y, Nawate M, Takahashi Y, Kobayashi I, Yamada M, Ariga T. Rheumatoid factor-positive synovitis in a patient with C3 deficiency. Scand J Rheumatol, 41, 405-406, 2012.
45. Takezaki S, Okura Y, Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Ohshima J, Kaneda M, Cho Y, Yamada M, Kawamura N, Iguchi A, Kobayashi I, Ariga T. Development of germinoma during the treatment of systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis with infliximab. Modern Rheumatology, 22, 621-624, 2012.
46. Nakaoka H, Kanegane H, Taneichi H, Miya K, Yang X, Nomura K, Takezaki S, Yamada M, Ohara O, Kamae C, Imai K, Nonoyama S, Wada T, Yachie A, Hershfield MS, Ariga T, Miyawaki T. Delayed onset adenosine deaminase deficiency associated with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Int J Hematol. 95: 692-6, 2012.
47. Cho Y, Iizuka S, Hatae Y, Kobayashi K, Hattori Y, Yamashiro Y, Ariga T. A 25-year Observation of a Japanese Female Patient with Hb Nottingham Having Two Babies with the Same Disorder. Hemoglobin 36, 446-455, 2012.
48. Kanegane H, Taneichi T, Nomura K, Wada T, Yachie A, Imai K, Ariga T, Santisteban I, Hershfield MS, Miyawaki T. Successful bone marrow transplantation with reduced intensity conditioning in a patient with delayed-onset adenosine deaminase deficiency. Pediatr Transplant. 17, E29-E32, 2012 .
49. Ichikawa M, Arai Y, Haruta M, Furukawa S, Ariga T, Kajii T, Kaneko Y. Meiosis error and subsequent genetic and epigenetic alterations invoke the malignant transformation of germ cell tumor. Gene, Chromosome & Cancer 52, 274-286, 2013.
2. Sato D, Kawara H, Shimokawa O, Harada N, Tonoki H, Takahashi N, Imai Y, Kimura H, Matsumoto N, Ariga T, Niikawa N,Yoshiura K. A girl with Down syndrome and partial trisomy for 21pter-q22.13: A clue to narrow the Down syndrome critical region. Am J Med Genet A. 146:124-7, 2008
3. Minegishi Y, Saito M, Tsuchiya S, Tsuge I, Takada H, Hara T, Kawamura N, Ariga T, Pasic S, Stojkovic O, Metin A, Karasuyama H. Dominant-negative mutations in the DNA-binding domain of STAT3 cause hyper-IgE syndrome. Nature. 448:1058-62, 2007.
4. Endo R, Ebihara T, Ishiguro N, Teramoto S, Ariga T, Sakata C, Hayashi A, Ishiko H, Kikuta H. Detection of four genetic subgroup-specific antibodies to human metapneumovirus attachment (G) protein in human serum. Journal of General Virology 89, 1970-1977. 2008.
5. Suzuki Y, Kobayashi R, Iguchi A, Sato T, Kaneda M, Kobayashi K, Ariga T. The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone associated with SCT: clinical differences following SCT using cord blood and BM/peripheral blood. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 42, 743-748, 2008
6. Kida M, Fujioka H, Kosaka Y, Hayashi K, Sakiyama Y, Ariga T. The first confirmed case with C3 deficiency caused by compound heterozygous mutations in the C3 gene; a new aspect of pathogenesis for C3 deficiency. Blood Cell Mol. Dis. 40. 410-413, 2008
7. Kobayashi R, Kaneda M, Sato T, Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Ariga T. The clinical feature of invasive fungal infection in pediatric patients with hematologic and malignant diseases: a 10-year analysis at a single institution at Japan. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 30, 886-90, 2008.
8. Nakajima M, Yamada M, Yamaguchi K, Sakiyama Y, Oda A, Nelson DL, Yawaka Y, Ariga T. Possible application of flow cytometry for evaluation of the structure and functional status of WASP in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Eur J Haematol 87, 223-230, 2009
9. Morinishi Y, Imai K, Nakagawa N, Sato H, Horiuchi K, Ohtsuka Y, Kaneda Y, Taga T, Hisakawa H, Miyaji R, Endo M, Oh-ishi T, Kamachi Y, Akahane K, Kobayashi C, Tsuchida M, Morio T, Sasahara Y, Kumaki S, Ishigaki K, Yoshida M, Urabe T, Kobayashi N, Okimoto Y, Reichenbach J, Hashii Y, Tsuji Y, Kogawa K, Yamaguchi Seiji, Kanegane H, Miyawaki T, Yamada M, Ariga T, Nonoyama S. Identification of severe combined immunodeficiency by T-cell receptor excision circles quantification using neonatal Guthrie cards. J Pedatr, 155, 829-833, 2009.
10. Minegishi Y, Saito M, Nagasawa M, Takada H, Hara T, Tsuchiya S, Agematsu K, Yamada N, Kawamura N, Ariga T, Tsuge I, Karasuyama H. Molecular explanation for the contradiction between systemic Th17 defect and localized bacterial infection in hyper-IgE syndrome. J Exp Med 206, 1291-1301, 2009
11. Oshima J, Haruta M, Arai Y, Ksai F, Fujiwara Y, Ariga T, Okita H, Fukuzawa M, Hta J-I, Horie H, Kaneko Y. Two candidate tumor suppressor genes, MEOX2 and SOSTDCI, indentified in a 7p21 homozygous deletion region in a Wilms tumor. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 48, 1037-1050, 2009
12. Toita N, Kawamura N, Hatano N, Takezaki S, Ohkura Y, Yamada M, Okano M, Okada T, Sasaki F, Kubota KC, Itoh T, Ariga T. A five-year old boy with unicentric Castleman’s disease affecting the mesentery: Utility of serum IL-6 level and 18F-FDG PET for diagnosis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol i31, 693-695, 2009.
13. Kida M, Tsutsumi T, Shindoh M, Ikeda H, Ariga T. De novo mutation in the DSPP gene associated with Dentinogenesis Imperfecta type II in a Japanese Family. Eur J Oral Sci, 117, 691-694, 2009.
14. Shirkoohi R, Endo R, Ishiguro N, Teramoto S, Kikuta H, Ariga T. Antibodies against structural and nonstructural proteins of human bocavirus in human sera. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 17 :190-193, 2010.
15. Roos D, Kuhns DB, Maddalena A, Roesler J, Lopez JA, Ariga T, Avcin T, de Boer M, Bustamante J, Condino-Neto A, Di Matteo G, He J, Hill RH, Holland SM, Kannengiesser C, Köker MY, Kondratenko I, van Leeuwen K, Malech HL, Marodi L, Nunoi H, Stasia M-J, Witwer CT, Wolach B and Gallin J. Hematologically important mutations: X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (third update) Blood Cell Mol Dis, 45: 246-265, 2010
16. Maekawa K, Yamada M, Okura, Sato Y, Nobuaki Kawamura N, Ariga T. X-linked agammaglobulinemia in a 10-year-old boy with a novel non-invariant splice-site mutation in Btk gene. Blood Cell Mol. Dis.44, 300-304, 2010.
17. Yamada M, Arai T, Oishi T, Hatano N, Kobayashi I, Kubota M, Suzuki N, Yoda M, Kawamura N, Ariga T. Determination of the deletion breakpoints in two patients with contiguous gene syndrome encompassing CYBB gene. Eur J Med Genet, 53 383-388, 2010
18. Lee S-K, Lee K-E, Kang H-Y, Hwang Y-H, Kida M, Tsutsumi T, Ariga T, Park J-C, Kim J-W. A Mutation in the DSPP Gene Affects Enamel Formation. Oral Dis. 17, 314-319, 2011
19. Kobayashi I, Okura Y, Yamazaki Y, Takezaki S, Yamada M, Kawamura N, Kuwana M, Ariga T. Anti-CADM-140/MDA5 antibody in juvenile dermatomyositis complicated with interstitial lung disease. J Pediatr. 158:675-7, 2011
20. Iguchi A, Kawamura N, Kobayashi R, Takezaki S, Ohkura Y, Inamoto J, Ohshima J, Ichikawa M, Sato T, Kaneda M, Cho Y, Yamada M, Kobayashi I, Ariga T. Successful reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation from unrelated cord blood in three patients with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency. Bone Marrow Transplant. 46: 1526-31, 2011
21. Nakagawa N, Imai K, Kanegane H, Sato H, Yamada M, Kondoh K, Okada S, Kobayashi M, Agematsu K, Takada H, Mitsuiki N, Oshima K, Ohara O, Suri D, Rawat A, Singh S, Pan-Hammarström Q, Hammarström L, Reichenbach J, Seger R, Ariga T, Hara T, Miyawaki T, Nonoyama S. Quantification of kappa-deleting recombination excision 1 circles in Guthrie cards for the identification of early B-cell maturation defects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 128:223-225, 2011
22. Saito M , Nagasawa M, Takada H, Hara T, Tsuchiya S, Agematsu K , Yamada M, Kawamura N, Ariga T, Tsuge I, Nonoyama S, Karasuyama H, Minegishi Y. Defective IL-10 signaling in hyper-IgE syndrome results in impaired generation of tolerogenic dendritic cells and induced regulatory T cells. J Exp Med. 208: 235-249, 2011
23. Ichikawa M, Kobayashi R, Nakajima M, Inamoto J, Suzuki D, Cho Y, Kaneda M, Yoshida M, Ariga T. Higher urinary excretion of inorganic phosphate during early induction of chemotherapy predicts a good prognosis in childhood acute leukemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 33:e143-8, 2011
24. Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Ohshima J, Cho Y, Kaneda M, Iguchi A, Ariga T. Piperacilln/Tazobactam versus Cefozopran for the empirical treatment of peiatric cancer patients with febrile neutoropenia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 57:1159-62 2011
25. Sato T, Okumura F, Kano S, Kondo T, Ariga T, Hatakeyama S. TRIM32 promotes neural differentiation via retinoic acid receptor-mediated transcription. J. Cell Sci., 124: 3492-502, 2011.
26. Maeyama Y, Otsu M, Kubo S, Yamano T, Iimura Y, Onodera M, Kondo S, Sakiyama Y, Ariga T. Intracellular estrogen receptor-binding fragment-associated antigen 9 (EBAG9) exerts in vivo tumor-promotive effects via its coiled-coil region. Int. J. Oncology, 39: 41-49, 2011.
27. Teramoto S, Kaiho M, Takano Y, Endo R, Kikuta H, Sawa H, Ariga T, Ishiguro N. Detection of KI polyomavirus and WU polyomavirus DNA by real-time PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs and in normal lung and lung adenocarcinoma tissues. Microbiol Immunol. 55, 525-530, 2011.
28. Morio T, Atsuta Y, Tomizawa D, Nagamura-Inoue T, Kato K, Ariga T, Kawa K, Koike K, Tauchi H, Kajiwara M, Hara T, Kato S; Japanese Cord Blood Bank Network. Outcome of unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation in 88 patients with primary immunodeficiency in Japan. Br J Haematol 154, 363-372, 2011.
29. Kobayashi I, Kubota M, Yamada M, Tanaka H, Itoh S, Sasahara Y, Whitesell L, Ariga T; Autoantibodies to villin occur frequently in IPEX, a severe immune dysregulation, syndrome caused by mutation of FOXP3. Clin Immunol 141, 83-89, 2011.
30. Ishimura M, Takada H, Doi T, Imai K, Sasahara Y, Kanegane H, Nishikomori R, Morio T, Heike T, Kobayashi M, Ariga T, Tsuchiya S, Nonoyama S, Miyawaki T, Hara T. Nationwide Survey of Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Japan. J Clin Immunol, 31:968-76, 2011
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37. Yamada M, Okura Y, Suzuki Y, Fukumura S, Miyazaki T, Ikeda H, Takezaki S, Kawamura N, Ariga T. Somatic mosaicism in two unrelated patients with X-linked chronic granulomatous disease characterized by the presence of a small population of normal cells. Gene 497, 110-115, 2012.
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39. Koseki N, Teramoto S, Kaiho M, Endo (Gomi) R, Yoshioka M, Takahashi Y, Nakayama T, Sawada H, Konno M, Ushijima H, Kikuta H, Ariga T, Ishiguro N. Detection of human bocavirus 1 to 4 from nasopharyngeal swab samples collected from patients with respiratory tract infections. J Clin Microbiol. 50: 2118-2121. 2012.
40. Ohshima J, Haruta M, Fujiwara Y, Watanabe N, Arai Y, Ariga T, Okita H, Koshinaga T, Oue T, Hinotsu S, Nakadate H, Horie H, Fukuzawa M, Kaneko Y. Methylation of the RASSF1A promoter is predictive of poor outcome among patients with Wilms tumor. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 59: 499-505, 2012.
41. Takezaki S, Yamada M, Kato M, Park M-j, Maruyama K, Yamazaki Y, Chida N, Ohara O, Kobayashi I, Ariga T. Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis Caused by a Gain-of-Function Mutation in the STAT1 DNA-Binding Domain. Journal of Immunol 189: 1521-1526, 2012
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43. Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Inamoto J, Ohshima J, Cho Y, Saitoh S, Kaneda M, Iguchi A, Ariga T. Successful alternative treatment containing vindesine for acute lymphoblastic leukemia with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 34:239-41, 2012.
44. Okura Y, Nawate M, Takahashi Y, Kobayashi I, Yamada M, Ariga T. Rheumatoid factor-positive synovitis in a patient with C3 deficiency. Scand J Rheumatol, 41, 405-406, 2012.
45. Takezaki S, Okura Y, Ichikawa M, Suzuki D, Ohshima J, Kaneda M, Cho Y, Yamada M, Kawamura N, Iguchi A, Kobayashi I, Ariga T. Development of germinoma during the treatment of systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis with infliximab. Modern Rheumatology, 22, 621-624, 2012.
46. Nakaoka H, Kanegane H, Taneichi H, Miya K, Yang X, Nomura K, Takezaki S, Yamada M, Ohara O, Kamae C, Imai K, Nonoyama S, Wada T, Yachie A, Hershfield MS, Ariga T, Miyawaki T. Delayed onset adenosine deaminase deficiency associated with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Int J Hematol. 95: 692-6, 2012.
47. Cho Y, Iizuka S, Hatae Y, Kobayashi K, Hattori Y, Yamashiro Y, Ariga T. A 25-year Observation of a Japanese Female Patient with Hb Nottingham Having Two Babies with the Same Disorder. Hemoglobin 36, 446-455, 2012.
48. Kanegane H, Taneichi T, Nomura K, Wada T, Yachie A, Imai K, Ariga T, Santisteban I, Hershfield MS, Miyawaki T. Successful bone marrow transplantation with reduced intensity conditioning in a patient with delayed-onset adenosine deaminase deficiency. Pediatr Transplant. 17, E29-E32, 2012 .
49. Ichikawa M, Arai Y, Haruta M, Furukawa S, Ariga T, Kajii T, Kaneko Y. Meiosis error and subsequent genetic and epigenetic alterations invoke the malignant transformation of germ cell tumor. Gene, Chromosome & Cancer 52, 274-286, 2013.
「直ぐ役に立つ事は直ぐに役に立たなくなる。」伊集院 静